Saturday, August 15, 2009

Typical Just Typical

Came across this video yesterday on Breitbart wherein a foam flecked Lawrence O'Donnell is hectoring Republican US Rep. John Culberson of Texas over his bonifides as a 'Jeffersonian'. Whatever context the discussion was in is not apparent as almost the entire video consists of O'Donnell badgering Culberson on whether or not he would have voted for Medicare or Social Security, and Culberson trying (and failing) to squirm out from under the question. Too bad.

Normally there is nothing to be learned from these showbiz style interviews, but I find myself in this instance being more alienated by the Republicans equivocation than by O'Donnell's antics, and therein lies the lesson. Most of us conservative folk are fed up, nay disgusted with Republicans laying claim to a mantle of conservatism (or 'Jeffersonianism') yet embrace all manner of socialized foolishness if they glean some sort of political advantage from it. If Republicans haven't yet learned principle from these last elections (as apparently they haven't) their party is toast.

The correct answer Mr. Culberson should have been an unequivocal no, you would not have voted for Social Security or Medicare or any manner of Federal overreach. You would have gotten more respect and backing from your constituency in Texas than the handful of self-interested old codgers you may have alienated.

Take that from someone who's on the brink of codgerdom himself.

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