Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gnarlyblog Birther Free Zone

I don't know if Obama was born a US Citizen or not, and while it seems to me that Birthers are far more credible than the Truthers to which they are often compared, the mere fact that a comparison can be made should be enough to dissuade smart Obama critics from going there; that is a tar-baby the haters should have all to themselves.

Frankly if I were Obama I wouldn't release my (original) birth certificate either, just so I could keep in good supply a (seemingly) unhinged coterie of hyperventilating antagonists at which to aim my supplicant media.

Not that I think Obama's that smart, but just sayin'.

The irony is that this President brings with him a cornucopia of genuine Chicago machine baggage, unsavory perhaps criminal connections, a past steeped in leftist radicalism, and a naked predilection to act on that agenda, all of which needs to be attacked.

With that in mind a Birther hill is not the one I choose to die (or lose credibility) on, and thus I declare Gnarlyblog a Birther free zone.

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