Sunday, June 28, 2009

The GOP Left Morality Nexus.

The latest act of our national morality play turned kabuki theater has been opened with the Republican Governor of South Carolina slinking back into the country fresh from an Argentine tryst with what he described as a 'dear friend'.
While 'dear friend' may be an unusual description for one whom you are balling, the inclusion of the word Republican in association with a philandering politician is not. In fact, in media circles it is de rigueur. Why is this descriptor so rigorously applied to Republicans but not so evident in reporting on scandal riddled lefties?

Conventional wisdom, or at least the popular media argument is that Republicans set themselves up as paragons of morality, whereas the left eschews conventional morality judgments, and thus bear no criticism for hypocrisy. While the latter is certainly true, the former deserves some examination.

Personally (though it may have happened) I can never recall any Republican politico wearing his morality on his sleeve. While many Republicans may espouse or make policy judgments based on traditional western moral precepts, and Judeo-Christian values, (what I'd simply call right and wrong) most by virtue of their Christian faith will readily admit they are flawed humans or what they'd call sinners.
Whither lies the hypocrisy?

What is galling to the left, what offends their Nihilist sensibilities is the fact that most Republicans and conservatives have the audacity to make moral judgments at all.
What's truly pathetic about this is that since the left embraces few moral judgments the only charge they can level at cheating Republicans is hypocrisy, when the adulterers true shortcoming is character.
You see lack of character can never be a criticism if the concept eludes you, as it must those who embrace a non-judgmental outlook.

On a personal note, I consider hypocrisy a very small and universal failing.

That all said the lefts eagerness to use hypocrisy as a cudgel against their adversaries is understandable as they can never win an argument on policy. Their only recourse is to demonize their opponents and deflect their arguments. Obama guru and inventor of community organizing Saul Alinsky listed as #13 in his Rules for Radicals to "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Hardly a precept for reasoned discourse.

Though they may not know it from learning, it strikes me that from conversations I see on internet discussion boards lefties do this by instinct, because you will never or very rarely see a right-left discussion on policy. The discussion will always revolve around personalities because aside from their proclivity to change subjects (due perhaps to short attention spans), left-wing participants will refuse to discuss little if anything else. Even if you do manage to wrench a lefty away from his or her personality obsession, soon enough you, will become the personality under scrutiny. Try keeping a leftist on subject just once, I dare you.

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