Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 2 Michael Jackson Still Dead

Never mind that the house has just voted to shower the perpetrators of the greatest hoax ever known, with the pitiful scraps of whatever wealth we have left.

Welcome the new era of the oligarchs, welcome Nancy Pelosi, Ed Markey, and God knows what other democrats who have lavished their green energy portfolios with vast infusions of our money. Welcome Al Gore who has been their Goebbels. Welcome them all ye suckers who fell for Obama's corny hope and change shtik. Welcome the insanity, Welcome to the Green Reich!

Wilkommen und heil!


Here is a last ditch plea I made to my Representative today; have a good laugh at my groveling.
Dear Rep. Hirono:

Just wanted to implore you to vote down this terrible travesty of a climate change and energy bill. My family and I are living on the edge and I am afraid this additional burden will bury us and the economy.

Please Ms. Hirono, give us little guys a break.

(W Gnarly) and family, friends, & neighbors.

I'm not expecting a response but if I happen to get one, expect my answer here


Cogent commentary on Waxman-Markey from EU Referendum via National Reviews 'The Corner'

This passage of this bill does not signify any great "green revolution" or "growing" climate "awareness" on the part of Congress. Instead, the methods and manner that the Pelosi-led House achieved final passage, represents nothing more than unrestrained exercise of raw political power, arm-twisting, intimidation and special interest handouts.

The House of Representatives passed a bill it did not read, did not understand. A bill that is based on crumbling scientific claims and a bill that will have no detectable climate impact (assuming climate fear promoters are correct on the science and the bill is fully implemented – both implausible assumptions).

Proponents of the bill made spectacular claims in their efforts to impress the urgency of the bill on their colleagues. Democratic Congressman G.K. Butterfield reported claim that the bill "will literally save the planet" reveals just how out of touch scientifically, politically and economically many of the bill's supporters have become...

...insanity rules.

Update 8/3/09:

Rep. Hirono responded 7/15 as follows:

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act.

There has been a lot of misleading information circulating about this bill-namely that its enactment will lead to a sharp increase in energy costs to the tune of several thousands of dollars per year for the average household.

H.R. 2454 establishes five programs to protect consumers from energy price increases, including assistance with utility bills for low- and moderate-income families in the form of energy rebates and tax credits. In addition, local electricity and natural gas distributors would be required to pass along savings from the allowances they receive to commercial and industrial customers in order to offset their increased costs.

This bill also (1) requires electric utilities to meet 20 percent of their electricity demand through renewable energy sources and energy efficiency by 2020; (2) reduces carbon emissions from major U.S. sources by 17 percent by 2020 and over 80 percent by 2050 compared with 2005 levels; (3) invests in new clean energy technologies, energy efficiency, and pollution-reducing transportation projects; and (4) prevents tropical deforestation and prepares for domestic and international adaptation. H.R. 2454 passed (219 yeas to 212 nays) on June 26, 2009.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just released analyses of the climate change bill. The CBO estimated the cost to the average household to be under fifty cents a day. This estimate does not take into consideration the potential benefits associated with the bill, such as the development of new technologies or energy savings from improved energy efficiency standards. In its own analysis of H.R. 2454, the EPA forecasted strong economic growth under the legislation.

As a member of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, I shared my thoughts about the bill with my colleagues and members of the Obama administration. I also weighed considerations from constituents like you, who let me know how this bill would impact Hawaii.

I voted for the American Clean Energy and Security Act because it will provide an important signal to the marketplace to invest in clean energy technologies, which will create jobs, restore our competitiveness, free us from vulnerability to foreign oil suppliers, and finally begin to address climate change. It is no small feat that over a hundred organizations from a variety of sectors-including electric utilities, energy companies, consumer groups, businesses, labor unions, and environmental groups-have come together to support H.R. 2454.

I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.


Mazie K. Hirono
Member of Congress

Here's my reply as promised:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congress is selling us out, and the only thing on the news is MJ?

*forehead smack*