Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Tyranny That Dares Not Speak Its Own Name

Anyone seen this shit?

Wow, just wow. Whether it's for Smith's obsequiousness, or Obama's galling mendacity, this crap deserves a little parsing:
SMITH: I've been spending time out and about listening to talk radio. The kindest of terms you're sometimes referred to out in America is a socialist. The worst of which I've heard is called a Nazi. Are you aware of the level of enmity that crosses the airwaves and that people have made their daily conversation about you?

Does anyone who actually listens to talk radio believe for one second that Harry's telling the truth? I've heard Obama referred to as a fascist or a socialist both of which by varying definitions are true, but Nazi? Never. Nor for that matter have I heard any real enmity from the hosts of these various broadcasts. Sure you'll hear some hate from the occasional caller but usually that is directed at the hosts, the haters being deranged lefties.
OBAMA: When you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck --

SMITH: It's beyond that.

OBAMA: It's pretty apparent and it's troublesome. But keep in mind that there have been periods in American history where this kind of vitriol comes out. It happens often when you've got an economy that is making people more anxious and people are feeling as if there's a lot of change that needs to take place. But that's not the vast majority of Americans...

True, the "vast majority" of American's have their heads up their asses. But what's not true is the vitriol aimed at the President is any greater now than it was during the last administration when the economy was going gangbusters. In fact, I'd say "(that) kind of vitriol" was much greater then. Also, if Obama is to be believed about the feelings folks harbor for change, then obviously Obama isn't giving them the change they'd hoped for.
...The truth is some of these comments when you actually ask well, this is based on what this notion that Obama is a socialist for example nobody can really (laughs) give a good answer...

Bullshit. For anyone whose paid any attention to Obama's past the question to ask is when did Obama become anything other than a socialist? I've found no evidence that he's come to any other realization than that dictated by being marinated in leftist radicalism since birth.
...much less when they...

SMITH: Right

OBAMA: you know make...

SMITH: They would say mandating that people have to buy health insurance or something like that

OBAMA: the uh, uh, sort of plan proposed by current Republican nominee mitt Romney

SMITH: (nodding)

Okay, besides this being a total tu quoque fallacy, if one bothers to recall Obama's druthers, he didn't want the sort of health care reform Harry and he are suggesting. Obama wanted a (so called) single payer plan, that's what everyone used to call socialized medicine; not that the Obama regimes Trojan Horse isn't close enough.
Obama: Yeah, so it doesn't make too much sense...

(CBS edit)

...it used to be that somebody who said something crazy they might be saying it to their next door neighbor or it might be on some late night AM station at the very end of the radio dial...

So folks who criticize Obama for his well documented socialist pedigree, or whenever his Chicago cum Chavez style totalitarian predilections materialize are crazy? That's called demonization, keep that in mind when Obama says the following...
(CBS edit)

SMITH: Very last question does it bother you a little bit?

OBAMA: Uh you know I eh you end up getting a pretty thick skin on this job, and obviously when you've gone through a presidential campaign there are a lot of things said that thicken your skin. Um I, I am concerned about a political climate in which the other side is demonized. I'm concerned about it when Democrats do it,

My ass
I'm concerned about it when Republicans do it, I do think that there is a tone, and tenor, that needs to change, where we can disagree without being disagreeable, or making wild accusations about the other side, uh and I think that's what most Americans would like to see as well.

What this American would like to see is less sanctimony and more truth from this asshole, and the truth is the public discourse is no harsher then it has ever been, tyrants just can't abide criticism.

I said most Americans have their heads up the their asses, but not so far that they are deaf to certain easily identifiable concepts to which they are viscerally anathematic, one of these is the term socialist. That's why Obama and his minions dare not identify with the name they would otherwise embrace. The fact that their regime is so replete with agendas and aspects that are easily identifiable as socialist, or totalitarian, have given substance to the term it wouldn't have as a mere pejorative when aimed at less radical administrations. These identifiers are not a matter of opinion, they are a matter of public record.
Next time you see Chris Matthews, Bob Beckel, or any one of a number of the Dear Leaders panjandrums, commisars, thugs, toadies, or boot-lickers, raging cause he and his regime are being identified as socialists, be mindful of the 411.

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