Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Personal Enemy List

Upon learning of Obama's enemy list I thought shoot, anyone can be a vindictive asshole, perhaps I should make my own list, so here (off the top of my head, and in no particular order) it is...
Jeffrey Immelt: GE CEO, Corporate leech, asshole, & big government bedfellow

Kim Jong-il: Evil tyrant asshole & heir of DPRK's criminal regime.

Hugo Chavez: Ambitious Venezuelan dictator asshole & Obama soul-mate.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei: Leader of Iran's death cult and head theocrat asshole.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Crazy-ass death cultist asshole & Iranian President.

Usama Bin Ladin: Murderous asshole

Barney Frank: Congressman & bumbling asshole

Charles (Chucky) Schumer: Senator & scheming asshole

Henry Waxman: Congressman & inquisitorial asshole

Maxine Waters: Congresswoman & clueless asshole

Nancy Pelosi: House Speaker & grasping asshole

Harry Reid: Senate Majority Leader & major asshole

Rahm Emanuel: Manipulative asshole

Olympia Snow: Senator & RINO doormat asshole

Susan Collins: Senator & RINO doormat asshole

John Murtha: Congressman & dishonorable asshole

Ted Kennedy: Senator & degenerate asshole

Harold Koh: State Dept. Legal Adviser & extraconstitutional internationalist asshole

Brian Schatz: Democrat nobody & sneering asshole

Eric Holder: US Attorney General & extraconstitutional racialist asshole

George Soros: Evil financier asshole

Carl Levin: Senator & dangerous asshole

John McCain: Senator & obtrusive asshole

Lindsay Graham: Senator & meddlesome asshole

Jimmy Carter: Ex POTUS & crazy old anti-semitic asshole

Arlen Specter: Senator & treacherous asshole

John Kerry: Senator & haughty shithead asshole

Al Gore: Ex VPOTUS, and opportunistic environmental snake oil selling asshole.

Barack Obama: POTUS, nebulous leftwing blowhard, aspiring dictator, & vindictive asshole

David Axelrod: Man behind the curtain asshole

Please note that unlike Obama's list mine contains no journalists, beauty queens or car-dealers. Unlike our President I do not seek to obliterate the lawful and Constitutional rights of fellow citizens, I just want to identify the assholes.


The only other president I'm aware of that had an enemy list was Nixon. Powerline offers this comparison. The only question left to ask is whither Obama's Watergate? I don't know, but 5 will get you 10 that if it happens, ACORN will be involved.

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