We can all now sleep better tonight knowing that Obama has given Chavez moral authority to invade Honduras, a nation where we have several hundred troops supporting the govt.
One more thing, this is being reported everywhere (even Foxnews) as a 'coup'.
As I recall a coup d'etat is where the military seizes power for itself, and of its own volition. In this case the military was under the orders of the Honduran Supreme Court and Congress, and the VP was sworn in as president till the next elections.
Doesn't sounds like a military takeover to me, shoot, might even be legal under the Honduran Constitution (if they have one). I can understand Obama's concern though, doesn't bode well for him if he's considering any further expansion of the Executive.
Dictators, (even aspiring ones) have got to stick together you know.
Update: 7/6/09:
Just as I suspected:
"Obama is quite wrong to claim that the removal of Zelaya was "illegal." The Honduran president forfeited his right to rule under Article 239 of the Honduran Constitution, which bans presidents from holding office if they even propose to alter the constitutional term limits for presidents. And the Honduran military, which acted on orders of the Honduran supreme court, expressly had the right to remove the president for seeking to alter the constitutional term limit, under Article 272 of the Honduran Constitution, as even left-leaning commentators have now admitted. The Honduran military's role in enforcing the court order does not make it a "coup" anymore than federal troops' role in enforcing the court-ordered integration of the Little Rock public schools in 1957 constituted a military occupation or takeover."
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